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Fundraiser for Baby Jaxson

Fortuna Fire Hall

Different communities in Humboldt County are coming together to have a fundraiser to help a young local family with medical expenses. On April 3rd Jaxson Wells made his introduction into this world. After an emergency C-Section his Mother Becca fought through more than one surgery to stop the hemorrhaging that occurred after Jaxson’s birth. After being air lifted to UCSF little Jaxson showed his Mother’s strength to come back from struggling to breath and severe swelling of his brain. There of course has been so many unexpected medical cost, future medical treatment needed and not all the bills are in. We are asking that you would consider a donation for the silent auction and/or an” in kind” gift. Silent Auction Items still being accepted and be picked up or dropped off at 1432 N St. Fortuna 95540. And any check donations please make out to Jason Wells and mail them to the same above address The Fundraiser is on June 15th at the Fortuna Fire hall from 4:30-7:00 Tri-Tip Sandwiches, Chili, Potato Salad and Dessert $15 pre-sale $16 at the door. Family of 4-$50 Tickets are sold in Fortuna at Greens Pharmacy & Fortuna Optometry In Eureka at Fraga’s Sweetheart Motors at 4th & Q St Beginning May 17th Or by calling 599-2812 Or at the door VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED Any questions call Kathleen McWhorter 599-2812

  • $15
  • Phone: 707-599-2812
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