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Hartyga, Arrington de Dionyso, the Sturgeons, dhinn-djon

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HARTYGA: “HARTYGA is a Tuvan rock band, which was formed in Kyzyl in 2003.

In 2002 Salchak Orlan, Ondar Angyr - ool, Sergek Sandyk, Nachyn Choreve, Naiys Dulush (the present members of the band) - entered the Kyzyl Art College named in honor of Chyrgal - Ool. In the evenings and after the lessons participants gathered “under the stairs” and played the personally called “their music” (from the very beginning they practiced rock and jazz with the Tuvan folk songs).

The first performance of the group was held on May 9, 2003, in the basement of the dormitory of the Tuva State University, and after this event,the collective has changed its name into “MOM”. The leader of the group and an initiator of its inception was guitarist and vocalist Salchak Orlan.

In 2004, another legendary Tuvan music festival “Ustuu Huree” was organized, in which the fabulous represented of American jazz, the composer and multi-instrumentalist Sun Ra was invited as headliner with the support of his collective “The Arkestra”. The drummer Naiys Dulush says: “It was such a discovery for us! After that, everything has changed. ” The performance of the modern jazz legend influenced almost the entire modern Tuvan musical scene, including the group “IOM”.

After this festival, the group has increasingly inclined to jazz - rock and funk, with some features of of traditional tuvan songs. In 2008 the first performance of the group called “HARTYGA” (translated from Tuvinian means “Falcon”) was held at the festival “Ustuu-Khuree”.

In January 2016, the first EP of the band (+ its video version) “Megechi Kham” was released. It’s name was taken from the song of the tuvan bard Alexander Sarzhat - ool. Almost in September 2016 in Yekaterinburg studio ‘Octopus’ the first full-length album ‘Agitator’ was recorded, and in November of that year it has finally came out with the help of the oldest Russian labels “Soyuz”. Albert KUVEZIN, the legendary vocalist and guitarist, the founder of the tuvan rock genre took part in recording both albums. Because of cooperation with Kuvezin, the sound of the band was transferred to heavy rock with psychedelic traits. Active tours has begun in 2016. From that day, HARTYGA has won hearts of listeners from Moscow, St-Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Ufa, Tver, Perm and other cities of Russia. In May 2017 the album “Agitator” entered the TOP - 10 most downloaded world-music albums according to the World Music Chart Europe version. Arrington de Dionyso’s Malaikat dan Singa: An uncompromising voice in contemporary music, Arrington de Dionyso integrates ancient soundmaking techniques with trans-modernist inquiries into the nature of consciousness. His propulsive improvisations utilize voice and reeds (primarily bass clarinets and his invention the Bromiophone) as multiphonic tools in the navigation of liminal spaces between shamanic seance and rock and roll ecstasy. While deeply rooted in the punk inclination to tear down musical standards in an effort for liberation, Arrington’s music weds no-wave iconoclasm to the spiritual searching of Albert Ayler era free jazz along with more indigenous approaches to improvisation, reaching for an unveiling of primordially potent universalities. His compositions embrace sounds as colors, placing emphasis on the complimentary spectrums- from circular overtones whispered through bamboo flutes to the penetrating deep and guttural howls of amplified throat singing- all with the lungs of an athlete. The Sturgeons: Arcata surf thrash crossover. dhinn-djon: vilhage drohn.

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