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Humboldt Rose Society Provides Rose Pruning Demonstrations at Local Nurseries During January and Febrauary

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1828 Central Ave., McKinleyville, CA, (707) 839-1571 Ext. 5 Humboldt Rose Society Offers Rose Pruning Demonstrations in January and February Do you grow roses? Make it a New Year resolution to improve your rose pruning technique. The Humboldt Rose Society (HRS) is providing free rose pruning demonstrations. The Humboldt Rose Society’s rosarians, master rose growers, will explain and show how to correctly prune roses. The demonstrations are Saturday mornings starting at 10 a.m., and each nursery would appreciate (but does not require) a call so that adequate seating will be available. Jan. 12, Miller Farms Nursery, 1828 Central Ave., McKinleyville, (707) 839-1571 Ext. 5 Jan. 26, Pierson’s Hardware & Nursery, 4100 Broadway, Eureka, (707) 441-2713 Feb. 2, Shafer’s Ace Hardware and Nursery, 2760 E St. (Henderson & E), Eureka, (707) 442-5734, Parking lot on E St. Feb. 9, McKinleyville Ace Hardware, 2725 Central Ave., McKinleyville, (707) 839-1587 Feb. 16, Humboldt Botanical Garden, 7707 Tompkins Hill Rd., Eureka (Located at north end of College or the Redwoods north parking lot) The date has not been set yet for the pruning demonstration at the HRS garden at Redwood Acres. This demonstration is “hands on” with participants practicing in a real garden, one on one, with an expert. At this event, pruners are sharpened at no charge. Time for general questions about rose selection and maintenance is included during the demonstration. The HRS members providing the demos are Rosarians who have received special training and certification by the American Rose Society. Questions about HRS or these presentations: (707) 443-1291. Check out the HRS website at Those who are interested in cultivating their knowledge of roses along with their roses are encouraged to join HRS. Annual dues are a reasonable $20 for an individual or $25 for a family. The application is available at the website.

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