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Humboldt Town Hall Meeting on the Status of Healthcare

Wharfinger Building

Humboldt County residents have long complained about inadequate healthcare in our region: long waits for appointments, insufficient providers, lack of care options, the need for more mental health services, under-staffing. Join community members, healthcare workers, nurses, elected officials, and other stakeholders, to this Town Hall Meeting, where you will have the opportunity to voice what is going well, where we can build, and the direction of local health care, focusing on St. Joseph Eureka and Redwood Memorial Hospitals, the largest, private health providers in the County. Co-sponsored by the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) and the California Nurses Association (CNA). Endorsers include the Humboldt Progressive Democrats, the Humboldt-Del Norte Central Labor Council, the Progressive Labor Democratic Party Delegation.


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