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Indigenous People and Native Plants

Jefferson Community Center

“Indigenous People and Native Plants”

The California Native Plant Society (CNPS), as part of the annual Wildflower Show, invites the public to two presentations from the perspective of Native People, Saturday and Sunday May 4-5, 2024, at 1:30 P.M. at Jefferson Community Center, 1000 B St, Eureka., 707-362-0237.

Saturday, May 4, 1:30 P.M. “An Overview of Traditional Yurok Basketry” - Shirley Laos

Shirley Laos, of Yurok, Karuk and Chetco descent, and an enrolled member of the Cher-Ae Heights Trinidad Rancheria, will present a talk on basket weaving and basketry materials, and will show examples of local native basketry. Shirley will be assisted by her grandaughter Isobel Childs.

Basket making is a core cultural component of tribal life. Baskets not only are essential items for everyday needs, but are an integral part of the spiritual and ceremonial life of local tribes, connecting the past and the present. Basket making is still taught and practiced as part of their living culture.

Sunday, May 5, 1:30 P.M. “Wiyot Cultural Plants” - Adam Canter

Adam Canter, Natural Resources Director and botanist for the Wiyot Tribe, will present a slide talk showcasing important Wiyot cultural plants and their habitats. He will highlight how settler colonial land practices and genocide caused some early successional species to become rare in the landscape.


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