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Ink of the Giant Squid

The Brenda Tuxford Gallery

About Brenda Tuxford Gallery Ink People Center for the Arts Healy Brothers Building Second Floor, Suite 203. Opening Arts Alive! Saturday, June 5th and open Monday - Friday 9 - 3 pm for the rest of July. Come and see the works of the Giant Squid Printmaker’s Collective, both in printmaking and other media. We promise it will be zany. Giant Squid is a DreamMaker project of the Ink People Center for the Arts. The majority of the members are educated printmakers, creating all kinds of art together as a printmaking collective. Calling themselves The “SQUiDs,” they create artwork at The Ink Annex, a warehouse studio in Eureka. The group works in a variety of mediums, but primarily drawing and printmaking. They are currently fundraising to remodel their building to include more media production facilities, such as photography, sculpture, and textiles and seeking devoted artists to join the cause and produce unique, original art for Eureka and Humboldt County.

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