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Jill Stein

Humboldt State University


Not to miss this dauntless worker for true ‘Democracy!
Jill Stein, Green Party candidate for President
Here March 8, at HSU
Kate Buchanan Room. Doors open 5:30 pm. Event starts at 6:00 pm with local activitsts speaking. Jill Stien speaks promptly at 7:00pm for about an hour. Period for questions after. - Free…
Free advance tickets must be picked up from the Center of Arts Desk in the University Center. Tickets are now required for entrance to the event.



No more time for mere adjustments to corruptions,lies and violence in
some patchwork adjustment for any Party!
This a huge awakening for authentic Truth …..



Humbled to be a part of this great “Movement”… So Alive!
Standing Rock / Native Nations leading us again
A March In Prayer And Action
Mar. 10, 17’, Wash. D.C. !



This all about overhauling of long and crude empirical methods,
which have conditioned millions of Americans with evasions
for condoning this systems monumental dominance,
violence, exploitation and ruin.

Iraq lies and far more inspiring>>>instigating terrorism,
which has brought on the crisis of civil wars and massive migrations.
n incredible breakthrough of ‘reality’ and great challenge in this ‘time of upheaval’.



Too many willing partners of spoilage
schooled so long to reflect this ‘status quo’!
We can meet this great challenge of personal and collective wisdom!
Green Party HSU And Climate Crisis HSU/Humboldt


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