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Madagascar: Burning While We Speak

Six Rivers Masonic Lodge

Redwood Region Audubon Society is sponsoring this travelogue on Madagascar. This island has lured naturalists since the first modern explorers made landfall. Madagascar’s 80-million-year isolation has resulted in many unique species. Of the 200,000 species that make Madagascar home, as many as 80% are thought to occur nowhere else. Gary Friedrichsen, former marine researcher and commercial fisherman, will show us some of the varied landscapes, plants and animals of this amazing region. He also will discuss the many challenges facing its inhabitants, including the widespread clearing and burning of the island’s extremely threatened ecosystems. Doors open at 7 p.m. for refreshments, and the program starts at 7:30 p.m. Bring a mug to enjoy shade-grown coffee, and come fragrance-free.

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