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Marine Summer Science Program

Telonicher Maine Lab

Offered through HSU’s Telonicher Marine Lab in Trinidad, Calif., the 5-day camps give kids ages 6 to 12 a chance to learn about and explore local marine habitats. The session dates are: July 20-24 (6 to 9 years of age) and August 3-7 (10 to 12 years of age). Each day runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will focus on a specific topic such as ecosystems, marine organisms, human interaction with marine life, and a little history about the lovely town of Trinidad. Classes will be held in the “wet” classroom of HSU’s Marine Lab in Trinidad, Calif. and activities will include games, crafts and short field trips. Each camp session will also include a tide-pooling day where kids will get hands-on experience exploring local beaches and rocky intertidal zones. July 20-24 (ages 6-9) Day 1: Marine Ecology and Invertebrates (and tide pooling!) Day 2: Fish Day 3: Marine Mammals Day 4: The Ocean and Scientific Exploration Day 5: The Marine Lab and Historical Monuments August 3-7 (ages 10-12) Day 1: Marine Ecology and Invertebrates (and tide pooling!) Day 2: Fish Day 3: Marine Mammals Day 4: The Ocean and Scientific Exploration Day 5: The Marine Lab and Historical Monuments The cost of attending an entire program is $175. The cost for attending only single days during each session is $50 per day.

  • $175
  • Phone: 707-826-3689
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