Multilingual Creative Writing Journal Call for Submissions
Personas, College of the Redwoods’ literary journal with a multilingual focus, is currently accepting submissions for its third issue of original poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, essays, and art that, in a way determined by the author, consider the experience of multilingualism. Writers need not be multilingual to contribute, and writings may be multilingual, bilingual, or monolingual. Submissions are accepted from all community members, as well as staff, faculty, and students of the College of the Redwoods. The submission period opens October 1st, 2024 and will be open through midnight on March 16th, 2025.
Fiction, creative non-fiction, and essay submissions are limited to one submission per author and a length of no more than 2,000 words. Poetry submissions are limited to three poems per author. Poems should be under two pages in length and submitted in the format in which the author wishes them published, including translations into English if necessary. Art submissions (any medium) can be submitted in any format. All art submissions will be considered for the cover. Submissions in multiple genres are permitted but must be submitted separately.
Submit all submissions to with the subject line “Personas Submission” and the title of your submission. Please include a brief (no more than 100 words) biographical statement, if you wish to be featured in the Bios section of the journal. The submission should be attached to your email message with the title and no personal information, preferably as a Word or PDF doc..
You may also submit printed copies at 333 6th St. Suite A Eureka, CA 95501, either by hand or by mail.
A free public reading event will follow the release of the print edition of the journal. Wharfinger Building, 1 Marina Way, Eureka, 24 of May, 2025. Attendance at this event is not necessary to submit your writing.
All chosen submissions will be considered for awards from our sponsors Booklegger, Eureka Books, North Coast Mensans, and Northtown Books unless the author states they would like to not be included in this consideration when submitting.
Please contact Jonathan Maiullo with any questions at (707) 476-4527 or
We look forward to reading your writing!
- Saturday, May 24 : 3-5 p.m.
- Free
- Phone: 707-476-4527
- Email:
- Web site