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Old Time Labor Day BBQ

Mattole Grange

Sunday, September 4th, the Mattole Grange is hosting the Harvest Festival Traditional Deep Pit Roasted Beef and Bean Barbecue. Pit opens at noon sharp. Be there to see the largest ever home cooked meal emerge from under ground. Bring your own plates, cutlery, and side dishes Roasted Corn picked in the morning at Sarvinski’s farm for $2 an ear Spread your tablecloth on one of many redwood picnic tables under the towering trees by the side of the Mattole River Local Home Made Pies, drinks available for purchase to benefit the building fund Mattole Valley Women’s Club Raffle to Benefit the Scholarship Fund, Games and Prizes for all ages. Adults $15, Children 6-12 $10, Under 6 is FREE Generous country portions! The Mattole Grange is Located at A.Way Park on the Mattole Road between Honeydew and Petrolia. Fabulous Swimming and Camping at the Park

  • $15
  • $10 Ages 6-12
  • Phone: 707-629-3421
  • Email:
  • Web site

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