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PSA - Standing Rock Benefit

Mateel Community Center

Redway. Press Release Contact: Jenny Metz Burningleaf Productions 707-223-3849 Fundraiser to support Standing Rock and the Resistance of the Dakota Access Pipeline takes place at 6pm at the Mateel Saturday the 19th of November. Fraktal and Burningleaf Productions invite the Humboldt Community to gather for an incredible evening of delicious food and drink, performance art, music, and education about the current resistance at Standing Rock. This benefit will raise funds and awareness supporting actions against the Dakota Access Pipeline. Humboldt Stands with Standing Rock will host speakers from the Hoopa, Yurok, and Karuk Tribes who have been on the front lines at Standing Rock and a live feed and dialogue from local Standing Rock warrior Thomas Joseph of the Hoopa Tribe. Dinner will include Vegetarian or Meat NDN Tacos and a Copper River Salmon option. A full bar and silent auction will offer opportunities for guests to show support. Performances will be presented by Recycled Youth, with music by Govinda, Marjo Lak, Cold Blue Water, Irie Rockers and the Altar Tones! This benefit will raise funds for the feeding and helping with legal challenges for the people who are fighting on the front lines including The Red Warrior Camp and Klamath Basin Camps. These camps are two of the most active and largest groups at Standing Rock, currently the Klamath Basin Camp needs to rebuild after being dismantled by police at a blockade on treaty land near the Standing Rock Reservation on Oct. 26th Local indigenous activists are heading back to Standing Rock over the next month and seek support. “The historic effort being made at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation has major implications on so many levels. Our dependence on fossil fuels has pushed us to the brink of environmental collapse. The mantra water is life is a truth that cannot be denied. As Native Americans living in the United States we have not had it easy since settlers forged their way across this country. We have suffered losses yet we have hope for the future and now indigenous people along with our allies of all races and backgrounds are putting our lives on the line to fight for change. We are challenging the short sighted decisions that are jeopardizing life on earth, we are challenging the way our Native American Nations are treated politically and we are challenging corporate greed that prioritizes profits for few over a healthy future for all. Will you join us in whatever capacity you can as we continue to storm the battle grounds of this time with prayer, peace and the demand that the common future our children inherit is not a wasteland. Be a part of this historic moment, for the water, for the air we breathe, and for the seventh generation.” - Dania Rose Colegrove - Hoopa, Yurok, Nature Rights Council and Got Water? Tickets for Humboldt Stands with Standing Rock are on sale at Wildberries Marketplace, Peoples Records in Arcata, Blue Moon Gifts and SHC in Garberville and online at for $20 in advance and $25 at the door. 12 and under are free and dinner will be sold separately at the event. Door open at 6pm. For more Information, to volunteer or sponsor contact Jenny Metz at 707-223-3849 or


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