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Racial Equity Roundtable: Cultural Whiplash and Media Literacy

Humboldt Area Foundation

From traditional news outlets to social media, stories about race are everywhere. But just because we’re talking about race as a society doesn’t mean we are doing so responsibly. The increased attention on stories like the Lincoln Memorial incident, often does more harm than good by framing issues as “either/or” instead of “both/and.”* Join us as we explore the way news media intersects with our daily lives—both the stories themselves and the frequent cultural interpretations that frame the stories. Using video clips, scenarios, and race-based affinity groups, we’ll dive into identifying and responding to cultural whiplash in ways that could advance racial equity. From traditional news outlets to social media, stories about race are everywhere. But just because we’re talking about race as a society doesn’t mean we are doing so responsibly. The increased attention on stories like the Lincoln Memorial incident, often does more harm than good by framing issues as “either/or” instead of “both/and.”* Join us as we explore the way news media intersects with our daily lives—both the stories themselves and the frequent cultural interpretations that frame the stories. Using video clips, scenarios, and race-based affinity groups, we’ll dive into identifying and responding to cultural whiplash in ways that could advance racial equity. This session will build on previous sessions examining the structural impacts of microaggressions. Facilitated by Aristea Saulsbury, Iva Dubyak and Ron White. *Framing issues as “either/or” is symptomatic of cultural whiplash, for example moving from seeing one party as solely the victim and the other as the perpetrator to a complete reversal of these roles when more information emerges. “Both/and” thinking allows us to see the nuances within incidents covered by media and to thoughtfully explore the complex identities and experiences involved.

  • $15
  • $10 sliding scale
  • $5 sliding scale
  • Free request a scholarship
  • Phone: 707-267-9918
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