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Rally to Ban Bobcat Trapping

Fortuna River Lodge

On Aug. 5 in Fortuna we have a chance to finally end all commercial trapping of bobcats across California. The Fish and Game Commission will hold a final vote on whether to adopt a statewide ban — EPIC, the Center for Biological Diversity, Project Bobcat and Bird Ally XI want to invite you to this important meeting, one where your voice will count. In recent years, trappers have killed thousands of bobcats in our state to meet the rising fashion demand for pelts in China and Russia. But following the work of conservation allies, California’s legislature passed the Bobcat Protection Act of 2013 to protect these cats from commercial exploitation and tasked the Fish and Game Commission with making final rules to implement the bill. The commission is scheduled to make its final ruling at the Fortuna meeting. Your presence is critical on this day. We urgently need to pack the room and overwhelm trapping industry lobbyists with a clear message: Californians overwhelmingly value their wildlife alive and as part of functioning ecosystems — not as commodities to be killed, skinned and shipped overseas for profit. The Aug. 5 meeting will take place at 7:30 a.m. at River Lodge Conference Center, 1800 Riverwalk Drive, in Fortuna. Two days before the hearing, on Monday, August 3rd from 6-8pm, EPIC and our allies will host a teach-in and poster making session in the Arts & Crafts Room at the Arcata Community Center (321 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, Arcata)

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