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Raw Cacao, Day of the Dead, Mercury Retrograde Ritual

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Location: Citrine Spa 1101 H St. Suite 3 in Arcata (across from Zen).

Hot Chocolate, Day of the Dead, Ancestral Remembrance, Mercury Retrograde.. This is a time of year when the veils between the worlds are at their thinnest. Join us for a Raw Cacao ceremony the day Mercury goes Retrograde; to honor the harvest, the decline of life, to celebrate the lives that have passed, and acknowledge the cycles that have been completed. The days that follow Halloween are a perfect time to connect with the unseen world and receive support from our ancestors who have passed… Let’s co-create a sacred altar and sip raw cacao together! Please bring an item to contribute to the altar. This could be anything such as flowers, a feather, ring, something old, crystal, gourd, etc. Your item for the altar is not for us to keep, but for us to infuse. You will take the item back home with you a little lighter and a little brighter. We will do some guided activities to honor the Day of the Dead. We drink raw cacao beverage to open the heart, release negativity, and unlock euphoric states of consciousness. There will also be sacred essential oils and crystals for smudging and anointing, to help us adapt as we move through these interesting times of change on Earth. Consider this time of year when the veils between the worlds are the thinnest a great time to connect with the unseen world of ancestors, spirits, gods, faeries, magic, or other phenomenon that cannot be explained scientifically. Raw Cacao has an ancient history of helping people transition through some of life’s most frightening journeys, such as birth and death…. Cacao beans can open a portal, help with transformation, and ease sadness. Raw Chocolate is full of precious life giving energy that can help the body rejuvenate and the soul travel to greater heights. We will also highlight the current astrological influences. “When I die maybe the living will put out chocolate for me, because I liked it.” Blessings to all souls! 1. We will be doing a guided ritual activity together to deepen your connection with your ancestry and honoring your family stories. The stories of your ancestry provide so many clues as to why your experiencing what you are right now. Bring any items for the altar that can help you heal the ancestral memories living inside you. 2. Guests are required to bring your favorite crystal or some other item for the altar, bring something cozy to sit on such as a pillow & mat, a notebook for writing, and your favorite coffee mug for drinking the raw cacao beverage. Be prepared to have some fun, we are going to do a deep dive together! 3. The cost of the event is $50 and it goes towards providing space, materials, and medicines we will be using for the ritual. You will also have some materials to take home with you and continue the work on your own. 4. RSVP is required in advance so we can be sure to prepare your ritual materials. SPACE IS LIMITED. Be sure to reserve your spot if you want to be there. Deposits and payment plans accepted. Please contact by text if you have any questions: 707-702-3137 or email Tickets available here: Event Details: Date/Time: Friday, November 1 at 7pm  Cost: $50 includes cacao beverage, herbal medicines, and ritual materials Intention/Theme: Ancestral Remembrance, Connection, and Healing FB event Link:

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