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Scuber Mountain

Humboldt Brews

Scuber Mountain is playing at HumBrews on August 6th, and it will be the band’s last local show until a CD release (which will probably be in January or so). Local bassist Drew Mohr has played with a host of local bands during his time in Humboldt—Scuber Mountain, Object Heavy, Soulsapiens, Steel Standing, Pandemic, Children of the Sun, and more—but he is moving to Seattle at the end of August, so this will be one of his last local shows. Similarly, drummer John Daren Thomas (of Scuber Mountain, Dynasty One, Bangarang, Hedersleben, Soulsapiens, and others) is moving south in the next few months, so the band will be decentralized and playing in Humboldt only rarely from here on out. So this is a pretty big show for us.

  • $5
  • Phone: 707-798-7534
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