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SHOWTIME for “Blackbeard the Pirate” presented by The Missoula Children’s Theatre

Mateel Community Center

Back for its 23rd season here, the Missoula Children’s Theatre - one of the Mateel Community Center’s most beloved ongoing programs - will start their week-long residency on Monday, October 5th. Offering many local youth their first introduction to a lifelong love of theatre, MCT conducts a week-long workshop with students from Kindergarten through 12th grade every autumn that culminates in to a theatrical production.

~ SHOWTIME for the event is:
Saturday, October 10th, 2015 - 8pm

Offering many local children and youth their first introduction to a lifelong love of theatre, MCT conducts a week-long workshop with students from Kindergarten through 12th grade every autumn. There are approximately 60 roles available for this year’s production of Blackbeard the Pirate!

All students, grades Kindergarten through 12th, are encouraged to audition. No advance preparation is necessary. Assistant Directors will also be cast to assist with the technical aspects of the production. The Missoula Children’s Theatre touring productions are complete with costumes, scenery, props and makeup. MCT Tour Actor/Directors will conduct rehearsals throughout the week. Missoula Children’s Theatre touring productions are complete with costumes, scenery, props and makeup.

Among the roles to be cast include:

~ Blackbeard
~ Bluebeard
~ Redbeard
~ Greybeard
~ Yellowbeard
~ Peachfuzz
~ Beach Bums
~ Lt. Maynard
~ Sailors
~ Crabs
~ Crocodiles
~ Mermaids
~ Seaweed Creatures
~ Parrots
~ Sam the Clam

Auditions start promptly at 4pm on Monday, October 5th, 20151. Students should plan to stay for a full two hours. Some of the cast members will be asked to stay for a rehearsal immediately following the auditions. No advance preparation is necessary. Rehearsals run 4 ½ hours each day through Friday. This year’s daily rehearsals culminate in a performance of MCT’s Blackbeard the Pirate on Saturday, October 10th, 2015 at 8pm (doors open at 7:30pm) at the Mateel Community Center.

More About MCT’s Blackbeard the Pirate…

Conceived and Written by Michael McGill
Music and Lyrics by Michael McGill

What starts as a lazy day at the beach, quickly turns into mystery and adventure when the search for Blackbeard’s treasure begins! Tales both past and present launch a group of Beach Bums to action in search of untold riches. Before our tale is told, a cast of colorful characters begin to reveal the secrets of Blackbeard’s amazing treasure…

~ Can we trust a group of crabby Crabs or melodious Mermaids?
~ Do the scary Seaweed Creatures or savvy Sailors know where “X” marks the spot?
~ Will the precocious Parrots or cantankerous Crocodiles lead the way?
~ And just who is Jolly Rodger and how does he know Sam the Clam!?
~ Most of all, where has Blackbeard and his crew hidden their legendary treasure?

Grab some sun screen, come on down to the beach and get ready to solve the mystery of Blackbeard the Pirate!

For more audition information call 923-3368. Don’t let your child miss out on this fun and enriching opportunity sponsored by Mateel Community Center!.

For more information about the MCT visit:


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