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Spare Change Audition #2

See Event Description


Interested in skit writing, theater or teaching? Need volunteer or community service hours? Want to teach life-saving info about sexuality and other health topics to your peers? Want to help make positive change in the world - right now?



Well then, please come audition for next year’s Spare Change group!



Current high school freshman, sophomores, and juniors are invited to apply. Spare Change is great way to build professional skills and your resume, get job/college recommendations, and earn a ton of community service hours. This program is perfect for teens interested in theater, teaching, skit writing, healthcare, sexuality, social justice, community outreach and/or social work/counseling.



Audition held at Planned Parenthood Northern California in Eureka.



For an application, COMMENT ON THIS EVENT or on the Spare Change page, FB private message or email Kate Jamison-Alward at, ask a current Spare Change member or visit your school’s office. Please bring a completed application with a parent/guardian signature to your audition. If you miss the audition, still contact Kate. We can set up a private interview.



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