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Spare Change Auditions!

Planned Parenthood Northern California

3225 Timber Fall Court Eureka CA 95503 Auditions for the Spare Change Peer Education and Teen Theatre Troupe 2017-18 are here!

Who can audition?

Current high school freshman, sophomores, and juniors are encouraged to apply for next year’s group. It is especially perfect for teens who are interested in theater, teaching, skit writing, healthcare, sexuality, social justice, social work, counseling, or community outreach.


Attend either the April 26 or May 3 audition. Bring a completed application with a parent/guardian signature. Applications are available: - In most local high school offices - By commenting or messaging the Spare Change Facebook page or event listing - Through a current Spare Change member who attend Fortuna High, East High, Ferndale High, Academy of the Redwoods, Eureka High, Lost Coast High, Pacific View Charter or Arcata High - By contacting Coordinator Kate at or (707) 502-3007

What is Spare Change?

Spare Change is a education program of Planned Parenthood Northern California. Youth receive over 40 hours of professional training, and then educate their peers on the realities and responsibilities of sexuality. Spare Change teens write and perform original skits, teach in classrooms, and provide one-on-one support for peers. The name stands for, “Spare the time to Change your mind.”

What are the benefits to teens in the program?

Spare Change teens build professional skills and knowledge, build their resume, earn an average of 200 community service hours, and can earn letters of recommendation. Many Spare Change Alumni say they gained a sense of purpose, passion, autonomy, self-confidence, life-long friends, social support, life-saving health knowledge, a creative outlet, and future direction from this unique program.

How does Spare Change impact our community?

Spare Change teens bring medically accurate, inclusive, relevant, and life-saving information to over a 1000 teens in Humboldt County every year. Spare Change shows and teachings supplement state-mandated comprehensive sex ed in ways that engage and speak to youth. For research on the community health benefits of the Spare Change program, Peer-based Health Education in general, or general questions about the program, contact Coordinator Kate Jamison-Alward.

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  • Phone: 707-502-3007
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