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Spring Garden Giveaway

Recology Humboldt County

MARK YOUR CALENDARS & Launch your Garden this Spring with some quality Compost, that is.. FREE! That’s right! The City of Eureka and Recology Humboldt County are very happy & enthused to announce that our annual compost giveaway will happen again in 2022. This year is titled, the 3rd Annual Spring Garden Giveaway, since it’s evolved into so much more than giving out compost. The event will start at 9:00 am on the Saturday morning of April 23rd and will be at Recology, 555 Vance Ave. Samoa. The event is first-come, first-served, so be prepared. It will end at noon. You should bring bags or buckets for your compost pick-up, or you can haul it in a lined truck bed or trailer (tarps always work well); it’s totally up to you. We will provide supplies for compost shoveling, but if you’d like to bring your own, that would definitely help. Find out more details at

  • Free
  • Phone: 707-441-4206
  • Email:
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