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Stand Up Comedy

The Siren’s Song Tavern

You want local comedy? You got it! Join host Tony Persico for an amazing night of comedy and possibly a surprise or two at The Siren’s Song Tavern.

There’s an amazing array of talent assembled:

-Joe Deschaine, both of Savage Henry Independent Times and of the Maine Deschaine’s, his one man rollerblading cover band.
-Zeke Herrera, who is both brave and noble. A stout-hearted warrior with a wit as keen as his blade.
-Kim Hodges, who knows how to cut a bitch.
-Nando Molina, who was constructed from parts of other people found in a landfill in Guatemala.
-John Mcclurg, former CIA Operative and current fugitive - or is it the other way around?
-Ivy Vasquez, whose attorneys have asked me not to say anything embarrassing about her, so I got nothing.

These people will blow you. Whoops, it’s supposed to say that they’ll blow you. I mean away - blow you away.

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