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Steps to the Great Perfect: Dzogchen Mind Training

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This is a preliminary teaching on one of TIbet’s highest teachings, Dzogchen. Taught by an amazing Tibetan teacher with over 9 years of advanced study, this teaching is graspable for beginners, with a depth that will benefit more advanced students. Namchak Khen Rinpoche (Ngawang Gelek), the brother and spiritual heir of Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche, the founder of The Garden of One Thousand Buddhas, was born in Eastern Tibet in 1965. As a young monk, Khen Rinpoche studied all aspects of Buddhism, including ritual arts and chanting. Khen Rinpoche traveled to Mysore, India where he had the good fortune to meet His Holiness, Penor Rinpoche and begin studying at His Holiness’s Nyingma College, Namdrol Ling Shedra. He graduated after nine years as a Do-Ngag Rabjampa, Master of Sutra and Tantra, the highest academic degree.

  • $225
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