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Talk on Mountain Lions and Fishers

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The elusive carnivores, mountain lions and fishers are the subject of a talk by professional wildlife tracker and biologist Phil Johnston on Sunday, March 19, 3:00 p.m. at the Redwood Playhouse, 286 Sprowel Creek Road in Garberville. The talk will include the ecology and behavior of fishers (Pekania pennanti) and mountain lions (Puma concolor), and the interactions between these two animals, and will include tips on how to track and observe these species in the wilderness of California. Phil Johnston is a professional wildlife tracker and biologist studying fishers and mountain lions in Humboldt County. Phil has spent the last 7 years tracking and studying the wildlife of northern California, and currently works as a biologist for the Hoopa Valley Tribe. This free event is sponsored by Lost Coast Interpretive Association and Bureau of Land Management, King Range National Conservation Area, in association with Redwood Playhouse Presents.

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  • $None everyone

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