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Taxes for the Regulated Market

See Event Description

A day long informative workshop on financial matters concerning cannabis businesses, taking place Sat Sept 22nd in Garberville and Sun Sept 23rd in Redwood Valley. Each day will have the same sessions: *What is an LLC and understanding Tax entities like S-Corporations, C-Corporations, Sole Props, and Partnerships We will teach you the basics of tax entity structure. This will allow you to understand what everyone is talking about when they refer to the tax entities. You will have an understanding of how they work and affect you. *Tax Strategies for Cannabis businesses. What is Internal Revenue Code 280E? We will cover what this revenue code means to the cannabis industry, what is deductible, and strategies to maximize deductions and reduce your tax liability *Form 8300 We will cover the basics of what this form is, who needs to file and when. We will also cover the consequences of not filing the form. *Next Steps in Business Development. Preparing for expansion, investors or partners. 4:00: B-corps Open to all who are interested, Doug Fir will share his research about B-Corps and why and how it might fit for your business of any kind. $100-150 sliding scale for the day; $40 for single sessions (B-Corp free to the public) To register, email, or call 923-3753. (Childcare is available for Garberville location with notice.)

  • $150
  • $100 sliding scale
  • Phone: 707-923-3753
  • Email:
  • Web site

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