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Taylor Evans

Savage Henry Comedy Club

Taylor Evans grew up in the small town of Turlock, California. Turlock is a city far removed from typical imagery conjured up when most think of California. It is less “beaches, string bikinis, and roller blades”; more “almond orchards, nautical star tramp stamps, and electric WalMart shopping carts filled with empty cans of Four Lokos in places they should not be.” Taylor gained a biting, yet playfully irreverent outlook on life as a young man of color being raised by a single mother in a rural farming community. In the few years that Taylor has been doing stand up comedy he has been a two-time finalist in the Bay Area Rooster-T Comedy Competition, and won the Central Valley Comedy Competition. He has also been featured at the Savage Henry Comedy Festival, but works as a regular comic at many clubs in the Northern California and San Diego regions and is a member of the Deaf Puppies comedy collective.Taylor currently resides in Californias 209 area code with his pet pig Banks, you can catch Taylor traveling for shows all across the US and at the local dive bar of that town after Follow Taylor on Instagram @TaylorevansComedy

Scott Powers is a renowned comedian known for his raunchy and uncensored style of storytelling. With over a decade of experience in the comedy scene, Powers has gained a reputation for his no-holds-barred approach to comedy, which has earned him a legion of devoted fans.
A robot wrote that for me.

Jessica Grant opens.

Trevor Lockwood hosts.


  • $10

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