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Teaching 42+ with Dr. Kent Willis

Humboldt County Library - Eureka Main Branch

Tonight, hear one of our most dedicated local educators recount classroom adventures from a career of over 40 years of teaching eighth grade and high school in Humboldt County. Teachers have many tales to tell, and Dr. Kent Willis is ready to share some of the best. In his new book Teaching 42+, Dr. Willis describes how he went from being a young, debt-ridden school bus driver to develop a passion for teaching and lifelong learning that drove him to earn two master’s degrees and a doctorate, the Humboldt County Teacher of the Year Award, and Excellence in Teaching Awards from his school and the county. The Diary of Anne Frank came alive for students with visits from a Holocaust survivor and a former member of the Hitler Youth, and an art project got kids exchanging gifts with Jackie Chan. Tales, teaching tips, inspiration, hilarity and more memories from a wonderful life teaching here in Humboldt. As philosopher and Presidential Medal of Freedom winner Sidney Hook once said, “everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.”

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