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ERFSA Luncheon Presentation

Baywood Golf and Country Club

Next Tuesday, October 10, Associate Vice President Michael Fisher, Facilities Management, and CNRS Dean Eric Riggs will speak on the “Status of Cal Poly Humboldt’s Physical Planning and Projects” as the second Fall luncheon presentation of the Humboldt Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff Association, ERFSA, at the Baywood Country Club in Arcata. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. and the presentation will begin at noon.

With the generous infusion of state support, Cal Poly Humboldt will be increasing enrollment significantly. There will be new academic programs, faculty hires, specialty accreditation, student support services, efforts related to communications, marketing, branding, and student recruitment and retention. This presentation will focus on updates to Cal Poly’s new and projected physical facilities such as the housing project at Craftsman Mall, engineering and technology learning community building, Eureka research lab (offshore wind lab), and Marine facilities, and sustainability and microgrid center.

Michael Fisher brings many years of facilities management and capital project experience within CSU and almost 20 years of construction industry experience. He attended Humboldt State University as an undergraduate in psychology. He also attended graduate school at HSU earning his Masters of Business Administration. With a background in construction before moving to Humboldt, Michael worked through college as a student in Housing Maintenance, Human Resources, Planning Design and Construction, and Facilities Management. After college, Michael made Humboldt his home and continued his work with the university in facilities management. He has advanced the interest of many complex stakeholders under various conditions and has led the University through its contemporary physical development.

Prior to accepting the position of Dean of Humboldt’s College of Natural Resources and Sciences, Dr. Eric Riggs served as Professor of Geoscience Education in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at Texas A&M University. The Riggs Group studies many related aspects of teaching, learning, and cognition in the geosciences, especially through the lens of embodied cognition and culturally mediated cognition, including international or cross-cultural learning settings. Riggs has directed the Sharing the Land Project, a project funded by the National Science Foundation with the purpose of making the geosciences accessible and beneficial to Native American communities primarily across California and with reach into other regions of the southwest and north central United States. The goals of the project were to increase indigenous representation in the geosciences and enhance scientific sovereignty for tribal communities.

All in-person guests should be fully COVID-19 vaccinated and may wear masks while attending. Meet and greets begin at 11:30 a.m. Various foods and beverages can be ordered through the bar; arrive by 11:30 to order and pay for food and drink. The main presentation will commence at noon.

Please note: the ERFSA lecture series is open to the entire North Coast community; everyone is invited to this and future presentations. You need not be retired, a member of Humboldt ERFSA, or purchase lunch. Our next presentation will be on November 14, with Cal Poly Professor Emerita Betsy Watson, UC Davis Retired Professor Mark Thurmond, and Humboldt County Growers Alliance Policy Director Ross Gordon discussing the Humboldt Cannabis Reform Initiative that will appear on the March 5, 2024, Ballot. If you are a retired faculty or staff of Cal Poly Humboldt, please consider joining our organization. Find more information at

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