Under the Sea Spring Break Camp for Kids!

Make a splash this spring break! Kids 5-12 can join Eureka Community Services for UNDER THE SEA SPRING BREAK CAMP, where they’ll dive into ocean adventures, creative crafts, and wave after wave of fun!
🐬When: Mon. April 7th- Fri April 11th, 8am-5pm
🦀Where: Cooper Gulch Recreation Center (1720 10th St., Eureka)
🐟Who: Kids ages 5-12
🐠Cost: $140 for Eureka residents, $150 for non-Eureka residents
Online: bit.ly/EurekaSpringBreak
Over the Phone: (707) 441-4248
In-Person: Adorni Community Center (1011 Waterfront Dr., Eureka)
A limited number of 50% scholarships are available for this program, provided by Humboldt Sponsors. To apply for a scholarship, you must register in-person at the Adorni Community Center and provide proof of receipt of public assistance (CalFresh, Medi-Cal, AFDC, SSI, or FDPIR) or proof of income.
For more information, please contact Catherine Cunningham at:
(707) 441-4370
- Monday, April 7 : 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Tuesday, April 8 : 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Wednesday, April 9 : 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Thursday, April 10 : 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Friday, April 11 : 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- $140
- $150 Non-Eureka Residents
- Phone: 707-441-4248
- Email: ccunningham@eurekaca.gov
- Web site