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Vigil for Woman Shot in Fortuna

Humboldt County Courthouse

Local organizations and individuals are organizing a candlelight vigil for the woman who was shot last week in front of her two year old daughter and is in critical condition. It will take place on this upcoming Tuesday, March 24th, from 6 – 8 p.m. It will be held at the Humboldt County Courthouse in Eureka, (between 4th and 5th and I and K)

“We want to send light, healing energy, love and prayers to the woman and her family,” said Mary Balletta, Executive Director of Women’s Crisis Shelter in Southern Humboldt (WISH) “as well as to all families affected by domestic violence.”

“Please join us as we remember ALL who have lost their lives to violence, honor All who have broken their silence and Support All who have yet to find their voice.” said Joyce Moser, Victim Witness Program Coordinator, Office of the District Attorney, County of Humboldt.

“We will be recognizing and supporting ALL survivors of sexualized violence and their families who do not appear in the media, who are lost and not noticed, who report and who do not report, who call our crisis lines or cannot,” said Susan McGee, one of the organizers.

“I believe that spirit can affect matter. That’s why prayers, candles, meditation, and magic could help this survivor heal. I’m also coming out to show all survivors that this community cares,” said Kim Arnold, member of the Board of Humboldt Pride.

The event is open to people of all faiths as well as to those who do not have a spiritual practice.

Organizers have spent the last two days calling, texting and emailing local individuals, advocacy organizations and faith centers. They ask that you bring a supportive sign and a candle.

“If you cannot join us,” said Karen March, another organizer “drive by and honk or hold her and all survivors in your hearts.”

“Every day of the year, at lease three women in the U.S. are murdered by men who claimed, at some point, to love them. These murders are the American version of honor killings. The victim can no longer endure the abuse and controlling behavior and leaves. He feels “dishonored” so he decides to exact the ultimate form of revenge: He kills her. One of the things that is so tragic is how predictable they are. Victims know what their ex is capable of. If we would LISTEN to them and respect their wisdom, lives could be saved.” said Kit Gruelle. Kit is a special advisor to the film, a survivor, and plays the advocate in the award winning HBO documentary Private Violence. (

Current co-sponsors of this event are WISH, Minerva, and the D.A. Victim Witness Unit as well as individuals.

For more information, call Mary Balletta, of WISH at 707-223-0043 or or Susan McGee at 601-6042

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