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WillPower & grace©

Redwood Raks World Dance Studio


A group fitness class that enhances every lifestyle. It’s a fusion of cardio, conditioning and stretch for students of all levels and abilities. Like a superfood, a small dose goes a long way; and it’s got the power to strengthen, invigorate, and protect. Bring plenty of water, a yoga mat, and a hand towel (prepare to sweat).



Chelsea Dove: I moved to Arcata at the age of 18 in 2000 to attend HSU where I graduated with a BS in Zoology and two teaching credentials. I began studying the willPower & grace© barefoot fitness method in the summer of 2014 and became a certified instructor a year later. This method has transformed my body (especially my feet) and freed me from the knee pain. I have since been a proponent of minimalist shoes and barefoot training.



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