Odonthalia washingtoniensis (Flat sea brush)
Rhodomelaceae is estimated to be the largest red algae family, with about 125 genera and over 700 species.
Humboldt Life
Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Phylum: Rhodophyta (Red algae)
Subphylum: Eurhodophytina (True red algae)
Class: Florideophyceae (Florideophycean algae)
Subclass: Rhodymeniophycidae
Order: Ceramiales
Family: Rhodomelaceae
Genus: Odonthalia
- Species: Odonthalia washingtoniensis (Flat sea brush)
Genus: Odonthalia
Family: Rhodomelaceae
Order: Ceramiales
Subclass: Rhodymeniophycidae
Class: Florideophyceae (Florideophycean algae)
Subphylum: Eurhodophytina (True red algae)
Phylum: Rhodophyta (Red algae)
Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)