@ 4:20 p.m. / Pollz

POLL! So Let's Say Eureka's Pro-Parking 'Housing For All' Initiative Makes the Ballot. How Are You Gonna Vote?

As of yesterday, the backers of Eureka’s “Housing For All” initiative, which is sponsored by Rob Arkley’s Security National company, say they have enough signatures to put that thing on the ballot.

The measure is designed to preserve parking in the downtown and Old Town areas by stopping — or trying to stop — new housing development on city-owned parking lots. In exchange, it would rezone Eureka City School’s Jacobs Campus, which is out by Highland Park, for housing development. The school district previously turned down a bid from the city to build housing on that land, and is currently in talks with the California Highway Patrol, which is thinking about building a new headquarters on it.

So there’s the Housing For All Initiative on your ballot. How are you voting?

1,486 votes cast.


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