Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023 @ 4:20 p.m. / Pollz
POLL! Who is Your Favorite LoCO Commenter?
What are you looking for in a blog commenter? Maybe you’re a nice person who likes people who are nice. Maybe you enjoy a well-crafted, perfectly timed quip. Maybe you value a contrary way of looking at things, perhaps from a person with subject matter experience.
Or maybe you want to cheer as your champion burns his enemy to the ground! What a thrill! Productive, too!
Whatever your fancy, chances are there’s a LoCO regular who tickles it. Please find that person in the list below, which consists of all the commenters who have averaged at least one (1) comment per day in the last 90 days, plus a few wildcards thrown in by editorial committee.
You don’t necessarily have to be the change you want to see in the world, but you can help speed it along simply by clicking the name of the person who you believe stands for positive change in the Outpost comment section – and, perhaps more importantly, by not clicking of the name of the person who you don’t.
And so, with a tip of the hat to Phyllobates terribilis, we ask: Which one of these jamokes does it best?
1,129 votes cast.