Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2024 @ 4:20 p.m. / Pollz
POLL! The President of Panem is Back to Ban All Christmas Movies Forever … Except One. Which One Should be Pardoned?
The President of Panem’s multi-year Christmas Reform Initiative was just starting to find its stride in the year 2301. A cadre of Songworkers had been assembled and were busy spinning out new Christmas tunes to be played alongside the Citizens’ Choice of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” Most failed to find favor, but the days were still young.
The next phase of the President’s plan involved getting some new Christmas movies up in this here joint. Ever since the collapse of civilization, the populace has been stuck with precious hand-me-down VCR tapes of the 23 films that Entertainment Weekly named “The 23 Best Christmas Movies of All Time” back in 2024. The tapes are running thin and the movies are now beyond boring. At least to the President. (Don’t tell him, but the citizens could watch them again and again forever.)
These movies shall be banished and their legacies wiped from the face of the nation! No one may ever watch or even speak of them again, on penalty of instant death and dismemberment. In their place: Hunger Games: The Very Special Holiday Episodes. The population is getting soft.
But in his great goodness, the President will grant clemency to just one of the 23 traditional Christmas movies that have secretly given the nation hope in the darkness for lo, these many years.
A plebiscite has been called. Which movie should he spare?
1,308 votes cast.