@ 4:20 p.m. / Pollz

POLL! What is the Best Month to Leave Humboldt?

Hey, we’ve had a pretty nice stretch of sunny days for February, right? If you like sunshine, that is. Maybe you prefer long stretches of all-day rain! They’re great for nesting inside with a warm cup of tea and a good book. Or bingeing on Netflix and Dick Taylor chocolate bars. Maybe this is your favorite time of year here on the North Coast.

Or maybe not. Maybe seasonal affective disorder saturates your psyche in these cold and rainy months, triggering an urge to light out for the territory.

Which leads us to today’s poll. As another stretch of windy, rainy weather heads our way, we’d like to know: When do you typically get the urge to skeedaddle from our beloved Humboldt, for whatever reason? Pick your leavin’ month below.

2,130 votes cast.


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