Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024 @ 4:20 p.m. / Pollz
(VIDEO) POLL! Is This Political Sign Theft or Sign Correction?
As the Outpost has noted in the past, the deeper we get into any given election season, the more political yard signs seem to vanish under suspicious circumstances. We’ve already dealt with some Measure F sign shenanigans this cycle, you’ll recall.
Regretfully, we now bring you the latest F’n silliness roiling the interwebs: A couple hours ago, the Outpost was deluged by folks who wanted to make sure we’d seen the widely shared Ring video chronicling, they said, apparent sign-napping somewhere in Eureka. One of the people who sent it in, in fact, was the person whose sign was targeted. They told us the sign in question was a “Yes on F” sign — they’d initially supported the measure, they said — they’d altered to be a “No on F” sign. Later, additional video emerged in which we learned a new, unmodified, “Yes on F” sign was later installed by the same person. (LoCO slapped both videos together above.)
What does it all mean? LoCO feels as though we have devoted adequate time and energy to this year’s sign wars. We’re done! So, you tell us: What happened here?
1,036 votes cast.