@ 4:20 p.m. / Pollz

POLL! Either an Egret or a Blue Heron Will Visit Your Front Yard Every Morning For the Next Year and Will Only Leave After You Lift Your Coffee Cup to It and Say, "Soar On, Majestic Bird Friend!" Which Will You Choose?

Egret or blue heron? Which would you prefer to spend a year of dreamy mornings with?

Today, LoCO attempts to drill down on Humboldt’s preferred bird aesthetics, specifically when it comes to our feathered friends in the family Ardeidae. Hypothetically, were it to come to pass that, through some form of magical blessing, you were able to begin each day with an inspiring coffee date with either an egret or a blue heron, which would you choose? Your answer could prove binding. Good luck.  

465 votes cast.


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