@ 4:20 p.m. / Pollz

POLL! Can Eureka Handle Both Arts Alive AND Friday Night Market?

Is there such a thing as too much fun? For a while now, we here at LoCO have heard grumblings about the the strain caused by the increasing crowdedness of the Eureka social calendar, which, sure, sounds like a good problem to have. But when the city’s arts, crafts, business and service people feel pulled in so many directions and are seeing diminishing returns for the efforts, it seems fair to at least ask: Is there a better way to do this?

Let’s try to clarify the tension we’re talking about, here. For years, Eureka’s first Saturday Arts Alive was a reliably vibrant affair and one of the few regularly recurring events where Humboldt social butterflies of all ages were apt to convene. These days though, according to some of the folk who regularly participate, the proceedings can feel, at times, a bit dutiful, as though the tradition must be honored and motions must be gone through.

What’s draining that Arts Alive energy? There’s not one thing — you could point to any number of bummer local economic factors, of course. But one theory is that Eureka’s Friday Night Market is just too good!

Think about the advantages at play. FNM only operates during the summer months, so their chances of dreamy weather are high. Contrast that with Arts Alive, which has had to endure plenty of rainy editions from from September to May. (People remember being wet and cold and, sometimes, they don’t forgive.) Also, it turns out maybe Fridays are just better for attendees, many of whom have already been dragged from their homes by their soul-crushing jobs and careers. (Humboldt is older. Humboldt will take any excuse to stay home.)

There are other factors, but this is already a longer intro than LoCO Pollz voters are used to having to endure. So! Instead of us going on and on, we’ll kick it to you: Does Eureka need both Arts Alive and Friday Night Market? Is there a workable solution here? Or is everything just fine? It’s OK to talk. 

1,610 votes cast.


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