Today @ 3:15 p.m. / Pollz
POLL! Why Did You Post a Negative Comment on Facebook About the New Eureka Welcome Sign?
The condemnation was swift and unrelenting. Mere minutes after LoCO took to Humboldt’s most beloved social media site to post the announcement that the design for the City of Eureka’s new welcome sign at the town’s southern entrance had been finalized, dozens of comments taking issue with the sign’s very existence had already piled up.
“Looks terrible.”
“Very unimpressive.”
“What are we, some wine county?”
“We already have enough signs.”
“Generic AI slop!”
“How long until it’s vandalized?”
“Eureka is gross and garbage.”
It went on and on. As we often do, LoCO bemusedly sifted through our neighbors’ angry opinions. But then it dawned on us: This is about something else entirely, isn’t it? Realistically, who could actually be this mad about a sign?
With that as our premise, let’s try to identify the actual source of the local unhappiness, shall we? To begin this important healing process, please tell LoCO: Why did YOU post a negative comment on Facebook about the new Eureka welcome sign?
889 votes cast.
Let’s take some deep breaths, Eureka. May this soundtrack assist.