Thursday, March 20 @ 4:20 p.m. / Pollz
POLL! How Could Humboldt Re-Invigorate the Bayshore Mall Property?

Pity the poor Bayshore Mall. At almost four decades old, the once-bustling consumer Mecca has become a hollowed-out shell of its former self, with far more boarded-up vacancies than going concerns, particularly along it inner corridors.
Locals love to fantasize about higher and better uses for the property, which, inconveniently, is owned by commercial real estate behemoth Brookfield Properties. But dreaming is free! And some young scholars are taking a serious look at the spot’s potential.
Eureka Development Services Director Cristin Kenyon recently emailed the Outpost to report that the city is working with four Cal Poly Humboldt seniors in Professor Laurie Richmond’s “Environmental Science and Management” capstone course. Their capstone project is to “revision the Bayshore Mall.”
Kenyon says: “The student were thinking it would be great if the Lost Coast Outpost could do a poll to get public sentiment surrounding the mall.”
That would be great! LoCO Brain Trust, we turn to you: What should the mall become?
3,442 votes cast.