3.3M Earthquake 12 Kilometers Southeast of Pine Hills

1.7M Earthquake 7 Kilometers Northwest of Ferndale

1.9M Earthquake 5 Kilometers South of Fortuna

2.3M Earthquake 10 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.3M Earthquake 8 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.3M Earthquake 4 Kilometers Northwest of Hydesville

1.9M Earthquake 25 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

3.1M Earthquake 7 Kilometers Southeast of Hydesville

2.6M Earthquake 6 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

2.7M Earthquake 6 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

2.2M Earthquake 5 Kilometers Southeast of Hydesville

2.5M Earthquake 10 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

2.5M Earthquake 3 Kilometers South of Fortuna

1.8M Earthquake 13 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

2.2M Earthquake 6 Kilometers Southeast of Ferndale

2.2M Earthquake 11 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

3.4M Earthquake 22 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

4.1M Earthquake 146 Kilometers West of Ferndale

2.2M Earthquake 6 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

3.0M Earthquake 3 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

1.7M Earthquake 9 Kilometers East of Hydesville

1.9M Earthquake 5 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

1.8M Earthquake 6 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

2.5M Earthquake 8 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

4.2M Earthquake 5 Kilometers South of Ferndale

4.3M Earthquake 4 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.6M Earthquake 4 Kilometers North of Hydesville

1.9M Earthquake 10 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.2M Earthquake 4 Kilometers Northeast of Fortuna

2.6M Earthquake 15 Kilometers Northwest of Ferndale

2.9M Earthquake 11 Kilometers Northwest of Bayview

1.8M Earthquake 4 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.9M Earthquake 14 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.7M Earthquake 39 Kilometers West of Petrolia

2.0M Earthquake 9 Kilometers West of Ferndale

2.1M Earthquake 9 Kilometers Northwest of Ferndale

1.6M Earthquake 7 Kilometers Northeast of Fortuna

2.0M Earthquake 16 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

3.2M Earthquake 8 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.8M Earthquake 7 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

3.5M Earthquake 8 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.2M Earthquake 46 Kilometers Northwest of Ferndale

2.5M Earthquake 6 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

1.8M Earthquake 16 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

1.7M Earthquake 11 Kilometers South of Ferndale

1.9M Earthquake 24 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

2.5M Earthquake 11 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

2.0M Earthquake 17 Kilometers Northwest of Ferndale

1.8M Earthquake 12 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

2.4M Earthquake 3 Kilometers West of Ferndale

3.0M Earthquake 4 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

3.2M Earthquake 13 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

3.5M Earthquake 10 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

2.4M Earthquake 48 Kilometers Northwest of Ferndale

2.3M Earthquake 48 Kilometers Northwest of Ferndale

4.0M Earthquake 6 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

1.8M Earthquake 13 Kilometers Southeast of Pine Hills

2.4M Earthquake 7 Kilometers West of Ferndale

2.3M Earthquake 11 Kilometers West of Ferndale

2.3M Earthquake 15 Kilometers East of Rio Dell

2.3M Earthquake 13 Kilometers Northwest of Ferndale

2.8M Earthquake 20 Kilometers Southeast of Blue Lake

2.1M Earthquake 7 Kilometers South of Ferndale

3.5M Earthquake 11 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

4.2M Earthquake 81 Kilometers West of Indianola

1.9M Earthquake 5 Kilometers Northeast of Fortuna

3.8M Earthquake 6 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.7M Earthquake 8 Kilometers Northwest of Ferndale

2.6M Earthquake 9 Kilometers Northwest of Ferndale

2.4M Earthquake 9 Kilometers Northwest of Ferndale

1.9M Earthquake 4 Kilometers Northwest of Hydesville

2.6M Earthquake 8 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.6M Earthquake 7 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.0M Earthquake 13 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

2.5M Earthquake 3 Kilometers Northwest of Fortuna

2.4M Earthquake 4 Kilometers Northwest of Hydesville

3.5M Earthquake 5 Kilometers East of Fortuna

2.4M Earthquake 6 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

1.8M Earthquake 3 Kilometers West of Rio Dell

2.0M Earthquake 7 Kilometers North of Ferndale

2.5M Earthquake 6 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.4M Earthquake 54 Kilometers West of Ferndale

2.1M Earthquake 11 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

2.9M Earthquake 13 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

3.0M Earthquake 19 Kilometers Southeast of Blue Lake

2.9M Earthquake 8 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.5M Earthquake 8 Kilometers Northwest of Ferndale

2.1M Earthquake 7 Kilometers Southeast of Ferndale

2.3M Earthquake 4 Kilometers Northwest of Hydesville

2.9M Earthquake 10 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.8M Earthquake 9 Kilometers Southeast of Pine Hills

2.1M Earthquake 6 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

3.6M Earthquake 6 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.2M Earthquake 4 Kilometers Northwest of Fortuna

3.2M Earthquake 11 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.9M Earthquake 15 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.9M Earthquake 1 Kilometers Northeast of Ferndale

1.7M Earthquake 12 Kilometers Northeast of Fortuna

3.4M Earthquake 9 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

3.9M Earthquake 12 Kilometers Southwest of Willow Creek

2.6M Earthquake 4 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

3.1M Earthquake 4 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

2.9M Earthquake 6 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

3.4M Earthquake 5 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

2.8M Earthquake 4 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

3.2M Earthquake 4 Kilometers Northwest of Ferndale

3.4M Earthquake 3 Kilometers Northwest of Ferndale

2.5M Earthquake 1 Kilometers West of Hydesville

2.7M Earthquake 17 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

2.5M Earthquake 8 Kilometers Northeast of Hydesville

3.1M Earthquake 14 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

4.6M Earthquake 6 Kilometers Northwest of Rio Dell

6.4M Earthquake 12 Kilometers Southwest of Ferndale

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