@ 4:20 p.m. / Pollz

RANKED CHOICE POLL! Eureka's Ex-Mayors Are Working Together to Bring Christmas Lights to Old Town, But Can You Rank Those Mayors From Your Favorite to Your Least Favorite?




It was really nice vibes out on the Gazebo today, as five of Eureka’s ex-Mayors publicly joined forces. 

Their immediate mission: To raise funds for a lavish display of ornaments in Old Town during the upcoming holiday season.

Their long-term mission: To prove that, despite clear political differences, people can work together for the common good.

This is a beautiful and important message and all these Mayors rock really hard for signing up for it.

But the polls must go on. Can you rank your former Eureka Mayors from favorite to least favorite? From, like, A++++ to A?

Remember: Diversity is strength, divisiveness is weakness. Be strong.

239 votes cast.

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