Today @ 4:20 p.m. / Pollz
RANKED CHOICE POLL! Someone Just Invented the Most Amazing-Sounding Flavor of Sparkling Water! On a Scale of 'Nectar of the Gods' to 'Undrinkable Sewage,' Which Brands Are Most and Least Likely to Pull Off This Exciting New Taste?
We’ve all been there. You’re browsing the shelves of your supermarket, or the beverage refrigerators of your local gas station, and your eye catches on a brand-new flavor of sparkling water that sounds like: Man, I gotta try that!
For the sake of argument, let’s say it’s calling out to you with a name like “Pineapple Mojito.” Or maybe it’s “Sichuan Starfruit.” Whatever. Black Pepper Cucumber. HabaƱero Papaya. Tamarind. Jackfruit. Anise. Mangosteen. Rambutan. Matcha. Allspice Uglifruit. Cherimoya Chili Crisp. Cinnamon Durian with Pandan Essence and Lemongrass. You get the idea.
You’ve been here a hundred times before and you know you’re rolling the dice in a big way.
The question is: Who is giving you the best odds?
You know the drill. Drag and drop the brands in order of which is most likely to give you an interesting and/or pleasant experience in exchange for your 99 cents, putting the brand most likely to shaft you at the bottom. Then hit submit.
338 votes cast.
Pro tip: The Soleil Yuzu Lemon? You want to pass on that. Tastes like spent kitchen matches.