Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Sanctuary
I love the beauty of the Bay. The Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Sanctuary across 101 from College of the Redwoods is a beautiful place alive with wild birds and other creatures. Last February, I wrote a post about a visit I made to the park. Today, I received the following comment on the post. I don’t know the other side of the story but thought the woman deserved a wider audience so I’m passing it on to you. She says,
I live at the top of Humboldt Hill Road next to a lovely 165 acre parcel that is in danger of being developed. It is directly above the Wildlife Sanctuary and habitat to many of the migratory birds, foxes, raccoons, mountain lions, skunks, hawks, owls, and other indigenous life. I am attempting to contact the Refuge to see if we can somehow have it added to it, which is visible from the pasture and obviously an important part of the biosphere. Here is a link to a google sattelite map so you can see the close proximity of the parcel to the sanctuary:
The developers are attempting to get The Planning Commission to punch a hole down from the top of Humboldt Hill Road to TOmpkins Hill Road so they can have secondary access to start building. If you are at all excited about having more beautiful land and wildlife habitat added to the Refuge,PLEASE write the Planning Commission before Sept. 18, 2008 and tell them to NOT allow the road to go through for 7500 Humboldt Hill Road. I am working my butt off trying to find someone who would help create a land trust to purchase this land before this habitat is lost FOREVER! Here is a link to the Planning Commission’s feedback site:
Thanks for your help!
If any of you have anything to add, I would be interested to hear more about this. Thank you.