
A Spray of Spring

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Remember, Sunday at 2 AM, time changes.  Move your clocks 1 hour forward.

I’m with President Warren G Harding on this.  “If people want more daylight, they should just wake up earlier.”

The rational behind Daylight Savings Time is that it saves energy. A commenter on the Washington Post disputes that.  She says here,

“Until a couple of years ago, parts of Indiana did DST and others did not. So when the whole state went to DST, it provided a unique opportunity to compare energy use with and without DST.”

“Found this at http://www.energy.ca.gov/daylightsaving.html

“A more recent study - in draft form as of February 2008 - by Matthew Kotchen and Laura Grant of the University of Santa Barbara concludes that Daylight Saving Time in Indiana actually increases residential electricity demand. That study titled “Does Daylight Saving Time Save Energy? Evidence From a Natural Experiment in Indiana” looked at the electricity use when portions of the state finally started to observe DST.”

So, I’m for sleeping in an extra hour.  Everyone who agrees, yawn.