Free the weed.  Or Save Humboldt.  The conversation about Prop 19 can boil down to those two simple ideas but the arguments both for and against are richer and more nuanced than that.

Some people hate the idea of legalization.  Some people say it will solve all the ills of society.  The clash  has tempers rising on the North Coast.   Anna, HuMMAP, and I want to hear what both sides have to say. We need to hear your worries and your ideas.

Anna Hamilton’s show on KMUD, Rant and Rave, is centered around this sore subject. Today at 7 PM, Anna is going to throw open the lines to let people vent but she’s only giving them a minute or two.  After that, this blog is here to offer a place to rant and rave a little further.

Turn on KMUD to Anna at 7 and stay logged on here for an innovative double dose of talk and type.

You can also stream the show live here on your computer.