According to Ellen Komp, Dept. Director of Cal NORML, “Contrary to predictions, Humboldt county did not vote overwhelmingly against Prop. 19. In fact, it voted for it by a larger percentage than the rest of the state.” (Thank you, Ellen.)  Mendocino’s stats also show that the communities most known for growing were more willing than the rest of the state to support marijuana legalization. (Though Trinity, the third corner of the Emerald Triangle, felt differently.)

Below are the Stats—

Statewide with 92.9% reporting:

Yes 3,256,959 46.2%

No 3,783,190 53.8%

Lost by 7.6%


Humboldt County with 97.71% reporting:

Yes 17,702 46.8%

No 20,130 53.2%

Lost by 6.4%


Mendocino County with 100% reporting

Yes  9315 47%

No 10,503 53%

Lost by 6%


Trinity County

Yes  40.4%

No  59.6%

Lost by almost 20%

Throughout the state, Prop. 19 didn’t seem to increase voter turnout in Humboldt, according to the TT:

“While many speculated that Proposition 19 — which would legalize certain quantities of marijuana and allow local governments to tax and regulate sales and cultivation — would drive voter turnout on Tuesday, voters exiting the polls cited a wide array of reasons for casting ballots.”

However, many in SoHum were commenting on unusually large turnout.  Anyone with more information about that, please let me know.  Times Standard says that there was an unexpectedly high number of voters.


Also, thank you, Woods for providing your excellent marijuana clipping service!