Tired of the politicians yet? Ivan B. Nobody is.  He sent me the above poster.  He’s voting none of the above on all the politicians but yes on 19.

I’ll be at the booth voting for both politicians and initiatives though.  If you are looking for information to inform your vote, here’s Ed Denson’s list of judges to vote for/against. Here’s Attorney Eric Kirk’s recommendations for local office. Also his picks for state and federal office as well as propositons. Excellent information on the local DA’s race can be found at the Times Standard’s trilogy (first, second, and third.)  Here is Democracy’s Unlimited Survey of local candidates. The Reporta has links to a Humboldt Tea Party poll of candidates’ positions.

The Humboldt Sentinel also has some excellent interviews with local candidates.  Here are some of those interviews in a easily accessible format on The Reporta’s site. Feel free to add links to other good information sites.