A knowledgeable local sent me the following  recipe for getting rid of some of pot’s most prevalent pests. Remember mites can overwinter in outdoor gardens in berries and mints so get rid of those plants or at least spray them if you are having a problem there.

Spider mites can be a real problem in many places and have been shown to adapt to many pesticides.However the mites can be killed very effectively using alcohol sprayed at up to a 50% solution .I use isopropyl alcohol from Costco($4/half gal) . I mix it with an equal part water (making a 35% solution ) mix in my neem and Maxi crop as usual and spray when the sun is off the plants. You can use vodka right off the shelf (40%) if you use it on food crops. Some kinds of plants do not like this mix so try it on one leaf first. I have used it on eggplants , beans, mints, berries and other plants with good results.As usual spray a few days later to get late hatching eggs. This spray will kill lots of other kinds of bugs and will even keep down the powdery mildew . I use the alcohol alone on plant that are almost ready to harvest to good effect .In fact alcohol can be used full strength if just dabbed on th leaf. So please share this information with others ….throw away the pesticides and GROW ORGANICALLY!