Briceland Road is seeing some heavy use these days with Highway 101 closed due to a massive slide.  According to the signs, only locals are supposed to be using the alternate route through Briceland but apparently some local has opened an Orgill Home Improvement store because certainly no one would want to endanger people by driving a big truck through those little back roads just to get some knickknacks delivered.  Oddly though, there is no Orgill store or even a furniture store in the area so I’m guessing a little fudging on the “local” label, eh?

Hey driver, we’re friendly type folk here but if you are going to cheat and drive through our little roads with your big truck, could you at least stay on your own side, drive slow, and pull over for the locals…?


Simon from KMUD news says Orgill is a regular commuter on the roads out towards Briceland.  So maybe I was a little harsh.  Check out the video though to see that more than one Orgill truck had trouble staying on its side of the road.


Photos by Kim Sallaway

An alert reader pointed out the video.  Thank you.